OM is Consciousness in Sound
OM is the sound of universal consciousness; the “hum of the universe.”
Or as my grandmother says - OM is god’s name.
But something as pure as consciousness or god can hardly be named with words, letters, sounds or symbols. We just do the best we can: OM.
It feels somewhat related to the Taoist philosophy of “the tao” or “the way.” The formless source of existence that flows through all things in all times and spaces.
OM is the essence of the Dharmic truth of the universe. It’s beyond human conception and yet it weaves with the human condition. OM is a sound of freedom because it connects the personal with the universal.
Sometimes it’s hard to surrender to the rhythms of the universe because the universe be on some shit. But that’s the nature of things. It’s a human trait to label anything as good or bad. it simply is. Until one day it isn’t.
OM is beyond the constraints of time. It equally represents past, present and future - or creation, preservation and destruction.
Om Kalra is my grandfather’s name. He passed some time ago. Om is a somewhat common name in India, so i’m not necessarily unique. But i do feel the immense privilege of being a teacher and student of a lineage of practices that brings me back to my roots and allows me to chant my grandfather’s name with thousands of other people at any given moment. Rest in Peace, grandpa.
With love,